Yi Yi Ren Congee

Image of yi yi ren, pearl barley

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the concept of dampness is a key player in understanding the balance of the body and the health of the digestive system. Congee, a Traditional Chinese porridge, emerges as a staple in TCM for its ability to regulate digestive function, address dampness, and promote overall well-being. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of congee in general and dive into the specifics of how Yi Yi Ren Congee can effectively dry dampness.

Congee: A Nourishing Tradition

Congee, also known as rice porridge, has been a staple in Chinese cuisine for centuries. This simple and easily digestible dish is made by boiling rice ( or any grain for that matter) in a large amount of water (or broth) until it reaches a smooth, porridge-like consistency. Congee serves as a versatile base that can be customized with various ingredients to suit different health needs.

The Benefits of Congee

  • Gentle on the Digestive System

Congee is easily digestible, making it an ideal choice for individuals with weakened digestion or those recovering from illness. Its porridge-like consistency allows the stomach to rest while still providing essential nutrients.

  • Hydration and Detoxification:

The high water content in congee helps keep the body hydrated, and its mild nature supports the body's natural detoxification processes. This makes congee an excellent choice for cleansing and rejuvenating the system.

  • Balancing Qi and Blood:

Congee is believed to have the ability to nourish Qi (vital energy) and blood. By incorporating different ingredients, such as herbs and vegetables, congee can be tailored to address specific imbalances in the body.

Yi Yi Ren Congee: A Dampness-Drying, and Healthy Dish

Yi Yi Ren, also known as Job's Tears or coix seeds, is a staple in TCM for its ability to drain dampness and strengthen the spleen. It is believed to have diuretic properties, helping to eliminate excess moisture from the body.

Yi Yi Ren Congee, with its key ingredient, Yi Yi Ren, becomes a powerful tool in TCM for addressing dampness-related issues. The congee's gentle warmth and moisture-absorbing properties make it an effective remedy for conditions associated with dampness, such as edema, joint pain, and digestive discomfort.

Yi Yi Ren Congee Recipe


  • 1 cup Yi Yi Ren (Job's Tears)

  • 1 cup white rice

  • 8-10 cups water, vegetable broth, or bone

  • Optional: Sliced ginger, goji berries, or a pinch of sea salt for flavor


  1. Rinse the Yi Yi Ren and white rice under cold water until the water runs clear.

  2. In a pot, combine the Yi Yi Ren, rice, and water or vegetable broth.

  3. Add optional ingredients for flavor.

  4. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce heat to simmer.

  5. Stir occasionally and simmer until the congee reaches a smooth consistency, usually 1-2 hours.

  6. Serve warm and enjoy the nourishing benefits of Yi Yi Ren Congee.


Broth or water can be used as the base

A thick walled pot is best to long cook congee


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