Ear Seeds- Uses and Benefits


Ear Seeds is a non-invasive technique that helps stimulate acupressure points on the ears. It is known as “auriculotherapy”- acupressure or acupuncture focused on the ear. This acupressure technique is very simple and can be done in the comforts of your own home.

Acupressure ear seeds help bring positive change to various systems throughout one’s body. These ear seeds help to stimulate various pressure points which can help a plethora of health conditions.

What are Ear Seeds?

They are small seeds, or metal balls attached to a small piece of medical adhesive tape. Traditionally they are made from radish (vaccaria) seeds (wang bu lui xing) but they are often made from stainless steel pellets or gold-plated metal balls. They work with the microsystems of the body and the acupressure points within the ear. They can be kept in place for a few hours up to about a week or so. They apply a light yet constant pressure to the point they are placed upon which is thought to help various ailments. You can press on the seeds to help increase the stimulation if you would like.

Placement is important so it is best to learn how the microcosm within the ear is allocated. There are maps that show which body region, part, or system is associated with what placement within the ear. Many companies sell handy kits that have the seeds, a tweezer, and a map to make this process as easy as possible.


What Can Ear Seeds be Used For?

  • Insommnia

  • Digestive Complaints

  • Pain

  • Smoking Cessation

  • Hormonal Balance

  • Blood pressure balancing

How to Use Ear Seeds

  • Start by cleaning your ear with a cotton swab or an alcohol swab.

  • Find the correct point- This is probably the most challenging point do doign this technique at home, but do not worry you wont cause any harm if the point isn’t exactly correct. Many ear seed kits come with handy little charts that show the specific location of the points. Think of this as a map of the ear. All points are located on the front or back of the ear and Ear seeds never go inside the ear canal.

  • Use a pair of tweezers to help apply the ear seeds onto the ear. Ear seeds come attached to a small adhesive tape. Press it gently onto the ear to ensure application.

  • You can reach up and gently press upon the point a few times a day, or when you are having symptoms associated with their application. Or you can just leave them be :)

  • Ear seeds can stay on for a few hours to a few days. Most often they fall off on their own. I suggest not leaving them for more than a weeks time.

  • To remove the ear seeds you can use your nail or a pair of tweezers to peel them off. Make sure to tilt our head so the seeds doesnt accidently fall into the canal.

  • Wait a few days to let the skin rest before applying again.

Where to Purchase Ear Seeds

  • Ear Seeds Academy- This company sells kits that are specific to various ailments which makes the process very easy and informative.

  • Easy Tech Trading- Also specializing in kits for specific ailments.

  • Disclaimer- Please check in with your healthcare provider before trying any new treatment, including ear seeds.


  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4425871/

  • Ear Seed Academy


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